Hamstring Injuries are common and are seen regularly in physiotherapy clinics.  Due to the increased incidence of hamstring strains during football, a lot of research has gone into the prevention of hamstring strains.  Sometimes thigh supports are used to assist in reducing injury.  There are a variety of designs.  They can create increased shock absorption in order to protect against direct blows to the thighs, which may injure the hamstring.  Quite a few supports on the market are targeted at keeping the thigh warm.  The theory is if you maintain a slightly increased temperature around the hamstrings the muscle will stretch more easily and should not tear quite as quickly as it would normally.

Repetitive hamstring strains need specific diagnosis, rehabilitation and training.  Most hamstring injuries occur due to weakness so having a full biomechanical assessment in order to get a specific training exercise program is vital.  Backward running built into a rehabilitation program may assist the hamstring to recover quickly by repetitively stretching the hamstring without over-stressing it. A lower back assessment is also recommended.  Various hamstring injuries occur due to spinal malfunction.  If this is not addressed the hamstrings may continue to injure.  Seek advice should symptoms persist from a sports physiotherapist or physiotherapist with experience in this area.

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