Suffering Sciatica?

Sciatica pain comes from the large sciatic nerve which passes down through the buttocks, down the back of the thigh and then divides into other nerves in the low leg.  There are many reasons as to why this nerve becomes inflamed but it may originate from the lower...

Chronic Low Back Pain

  Chronic low back pain can be both painful and frustrating.  It is also very common.  Research indicates persistent low back pain is due to a range of factors including: poor disc hydration/health, stiff spinal segments, poor muscle control, degeneration of the...

Tailbone pain?

Back Pain can range from just a niggle to major injury and can affect the sacrum  and coccyx (tailbone).  The physiotherapists at Grange Physiotherapy treat a lot of clients with spinal pain.  It is very common in our society and the majority of the population will...

Scoliosis pain?

  Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine.  Instead on of the spine being straight when viewed from the back, there is a curve to one side or the other or a combination of curves.  Scoliosis is generally classed as those curves that are severe or...

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